Jun 27, 2008


Luke 8:49-56 (The Message)

While he was still talking, someone from the leader's house came up and told him, "Your daughter died. No need now to bother the Teacher."

Jesus overheard and said, "Don't be upset. Just trust me and everything will be all right."

Going into the house, he wouldn't let anyone enter with him except Peter, John, James, and the child's parents.

Everyone was crying and carrying on over her. Jesus said, "Don't cry. She didn't die; she's sleeping."

They laughed at him. They knew she was dead.

Then Jesus, gripping her hand, called, "My dear child, get up."

She was up in an instant, up and breathing again! He told them to give her something to eat. Her parents were ecstatic, but Jesus warned them to keep quiet.

"Don't tell a soul what happened in this room."

Now...back to Jairus and his daughter:

This is an amazing story. It's a mystery and a miracle, and we shouldn't kill the beauty of it by overthinking it too much.

Maybe we should just learn what we can from its power and beauty --

"...just trust me and everything will be alright..."

"...she's just sleeping..."

"...they laughed at him..."

"...dear child...get up..."

"...her parents were ecstatic..."

Can you imagine the joy that filled that room?


I definitely know something of the sadness that filled it before this healing, because, as a pastor, I have been with parents who have lost their children.

I know the depth of their desire to find this kind of miracle...for life to be restored.

It's hard to imagine how "ecstatic" they really must have been when their precious little girl came back.

Why would Jesus ask them to keep quiet?

Perhaps because he knew that his mission was to restore life to the living...who need salvation and forgiveness...and to one day bring the power of resurrection to all people.

Maybe it's because his message of redemption and reconciliation with God makes possible the restoration of life...both here and hereafter.

Perhaps this little girl, and the ecstatic joy of her parents, are a foreshadowing of the amazing joy that awaits the heavenly reunion of God's people.

Perhaps...the lesson is that we should never tell Jesus what is or isn't possible. And for that we can be so very thankful.

Prayer: Father God, we bring our deepest pain and uncertainty before you. We long to see brokenness healed, and death swallowed up in life. May Jairus' daughter remind us that our own fate lies with you.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

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