Jul 16, 2008


Luke 10:21-24 (The Message)

At that, Jesus rejoiced, exuberant in the Holy Spirit.

"I thank you, Father, Master of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the know-it-alls and showed them to these innocent newcomers. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.

"I've been given it all by my Father! Only the Father knows who the Son is and only the Son knows who the Father is. The Son can introduce the Father to anyone he wants to."

He then turned in a private aside to his disciples.

"Fortunate the eyes that see what you're seeing! There are plenty of prophets and kings who would have given their right arm to see what you are seeing but never got so much as a glimpse, to hear what you are hearing but never got so much as a whisper."

What did Jesus see?

What makes him rejoice?

What are we missing?

These seem like valid questions as we work our way through this mystifying, magnetic...and confusing...passage of Luke.

We know from yesterday that Jesus rejoiced at the disciples' reports of ministry success.

He rejoiced at this sign of God at work among the people.

But I'm still not convinced that the disciples really even knew what they were seeing. And that "innocence," seems to be at least part of what makes Jesus' heart so happy and full.

Look...nobody likes a know-it-all. Even when that person has success, it's tough to rejoice with them, because their attitude seems to say, "yeah, I knew I could do it all along."

I think that Jesus revels in the genuine surprise that the disciples have when they experience the power and movement of God in their lives. They don't expect it. They enjoy it, as the gift that it is.

It seems that God's presence and grace almost have the quality of a secret joke...between God and those humble enough to hear him.

Perhaps the lesson is this: to wait expectantly for God's presence and power... and then remember to delight in it wherever it's found...like "innocent newcomers," like children who are discovering the world for the very first time.

Prayer: May we walk through the world today with child-like wonder, innocent, and amazed at your presence and power. May we know the laughing, joyous heart of Christ in our lives.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

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