Oct 6, 2008


Luke 17:1-2 (The Message)

He said to his disciples, "Hard trials and temptations are bound to come, but too bad for whoever brings them on!

Better to wear a millstone necklace and take a swim in the deep blue sea than give even one of these dear little ones a hard time!

Whatever Jesus is talking about in these verses seems pretty important, doesn't it?

"...too bad for whoever brings them (hard trials and temptations) on!"

He even says that it would be "...better to wear a millstone necklace and take a swim in the deep blue sea" than to make things difficult on the "little ones."

None of us want to wear that "millstone necklace."

So...we need to keep from making things hard on the little ones.

Does Jesus mean children? Perhaps. Or maybe he means the "little ones" of low station in life.

But it seems even more likely that he means the "little ones" of faith.

Remember, he's talking to the leaders of the religious establishment of his time, and making comment about that work that they are doing in God's name.

All too often, the people were made to serve the temple, instead of vice-versa. Religious leaders had become interested in power and wealth. They had turned the laws that God gave us to keep us safe and well...into a trap and trick that stole life and peace from the people.

What about us?

How can those who are already following the way of Jesus set stumbling blocks in the paths of others?

Well, I'm sure that there are lots of ways. Maybe as many possibilities as there are people.

Here are a few I can think of: gossip, negativity, selfishness, judgmentalism.

Anytime that we make following Jesus about ourselves...about rule-keeping...about our own way...when we manipulate and coerce...when we present opportunities for a "little one" to say, "I always knew that's how those Christians really are..."

We are only human. We are certainly imperfect. That's why we should stop, pray, and ask for God's help each and every day.

Prayer: God our Father, we ask that you help us keep from placing stumbling blocks in our brothers' and sisters' paths. Teach us the way of Jesus...peace, justice, truth and grace.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

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