Nov 28, 2007


Luke 1:68-74 (The Message)

Present the offer of salvation to his people,
the forgiveness of their sins.

Through the heartfelt mercies of our God,
God's Sunrise will break in upon us,
Shining on those in the darkness,
those sitting in the shadow of death,

Then showing us the way, one foot at a time,
down the path of peace.

I love the idea of God "showing us the way, one foot at a time."

Last night, I was driving home through a congested part of metro Atlanta. An accident had happened somewhere up ahead.

The four-lane highway turned into a massive parking lot. I wasn't going anywhere, and I was running out of gas.

The toughest part was that I just couldn't see ahead. I couldn't know what was causing the problem. I didn't know how long the jam would last.

And, I was running out of gas.

Pretty good metaphor for how we feel sometimes, huh?

Eventually, of course, the accident cleared and the road opened back up.

But I had already made a different decision. I drove across the median and went back the other direction. I found a gas station and the fresh confidence that a full tank brings.

When I made that turn, I wasn't sure it was the right decision. Maybe I was turning from a gas station just ahead...but I had no way to know.

Living life takes trust...and faith. We humans just don't have the ability to see very far beyond our own noses. We just don't know what the right decisions are...even as we have to make them and then take our chances with the consequences.

But scripture promises us that there is a God out there who wants to order our steps. He will show us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.

Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Give us just enough vision to follow you today, one foot at a time.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

Tomorrow's Scripture: Luke 1:75-79


Kelly~LiLsiS~ said...

You always know what I need to hear and be reminded of each day! Another perfect blog! Love&Miss You.
Love ur lil-SiS

Anonymous said...

The running out of gas metaphor is huge, I think. In ministry people are always talking about burn-out. Its important to know two things:

1) Sometimes we do have to pull a u-turn - head in a different direction - so that we may refuel.

2) That confidence that we get from having that full tank is necessary to carry on.

I love the metaphor of God carrying us! Its comforting knowing we can bury our heads on his chest - not seeing either behind or in front - and rest in the fact that He is with us every step of the way.

Anonymous said...

Turning back is a big problem we have. We don't know what's ahead and the longer we sit not knowing the road ahead the more likely we are to turn back around to go back to the place that we know...the place where we are comfortable...instead of waiting on the Lord to lead us into our unknown.