Mar 24, 2008

Things I've Learned or Re-learned Recently

Today's "guest blogger" is Rev. Jamie Jenkins. With his permission, I'm running the column that he wrote this morning for a weekly publication called, "Monday Morning in North Georgia."

Jamie is well known and loved in Douglasville, having served for 12 years at Bright Star UMC. He now serves as Executive Assistant to the Bishop of the North Georgia Conference. It's an honor to serve with him in this conference, and his wisdom and leadership is always appreciated.

"Things I've Learned or Re-Learned Recently," by Jamie Jenkins

Having a dog is a good thing.

Having an adult child move back home can be alright.

Meatless meals can be very enjoyable.

I am a blessed man.

God has a sense of humor.

Change, desired or otherwise, is stressful.

Time-saving devices do not always save time.

Online banking is the way to go.

Life is fragile.

Family and friends are important.

Ice cream really is my favorite food.

Technology can be wonderful- and frustrating.

Saving water can be relatively easy.

Getting older has its advantages.

I have some incredibly dedicated and talented colleagues.

There is no cure for stupidity.

I am loved.

We are dependent on God for everything.

I love to preach.

Reading the comics in the daily newspaper is enjoyable and often instructive.

Grandchildren really are wonderful.

Some things never change.

Some things are always changing.

When I think I am really in charge, I am really in trouble.

Appointment making time is stressful for a lot of people.

Travel is a great educational experience.

Offers to make easy millions are everywhere and are always bogus.

Forwarded emails are a nuisance.

I have a wonderful family.

Church folks are remarkably resilient people.

There are a lot of generous people in the world.

Holiday shopping is something to avoid.

Gifts are not the best/only way to show love.

Accessories for every electronic device are endless.

Feeding birds and planting flowers pay rich rewards.

December 28, 1968 is the second most important date of my life.

There are enough challenges (and opportunities) for more than one lifetime.

Life can be very complicated. And sometimes we work hard to keep it that way.

Decisions of significance are seldom easy.

There are at least two sides to every issue.

It is a major miracle that the Church has survived.

There are no minor miracles.

There will always be poor people but there would be fewer if we shared our wealth.

What I have is a gift from God. What I do with it is my gift to God.

I love the blues and could listen to B.B. King and Etta James all night long.

There is always more to be learned!

I want to be open to what God wants to teach me. What about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Odd how something simple like this can really make you think. I related to a lot of them and really stopped to ponder others. Thanks for sharing!