Dec 9, 2009

Salvation Army Santas

Its that time of year again. You know the time well: The time when you cant walk into most stores without hearing that oh-so-familiar ring-aling of the Salvation Army Santas.

Ive had some beef with those people over the years. They make me feel bad about my personal financial decision to never carry cash. They plant themselves at the entrance AND exit of every store I frequent and their bell lays on the guilt. And if that isnt bad enough, they wish me "Merry Christmas" as I both enter and exit the store.

But the Salvation Army Santas hold a very special place in my heart. I know of very few people who are on par with or more humble than the SASs. They stand for hours in public often dressed in full Santa garb and ring their bell for a good cause. They greet all who pass by. I admittedly have done zero research on the SASs, but Im guessing they are volunteer. Even if they are not, no amount of money could motivate them to be so engaging to those who pass. I mean, look at the people who are paid to hold signs advertising out of business sales or new homes near the roads. Very rarely will you find one who does not sequester him- or herself off from the passers-by with an mp3 player or, sometimes, a book.

The SASs have huge hearts. It is love that drives them to ring that bell without ceasing. As Ive matured and come to focus not on their annoyance but on their purpose, I have come to respect the SASs. Beyond that, I have come to engage them. I dont always have cash, but I do have a firm handshake and words of thanks.

And, as a side note, I have discovered a newfound respect for the SASs. Not that I ever considered it, but now I know better than to mess with them:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure that SAS would get more money if he would NOT tinkle right in front of the store. David Vaughn