Apr 13, 2010

THEO-logy, April 13, 2010

I sat down after my lunch to read one of my great-grandpa's sermons and blog about it. His sermons are usually type written on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper that is folded in half so that he has four equal spaces to write. Today, I read exactly three-quarters of the front page of a sermon and had to put it down and jump online to share it. Im not going to add any of my own thoughts to this one. This message is so raw and thought provoking that I dont want to get in its way! Read it...more than once if you have or want to...and spend some time reflecting on the following words. Ask yourself how they apply to the church you attend today. Ask yourself how these words apply to you as an individual. Then ask yourself how you can be the catalyst for change in both.

(All emphasis is Theo's.)

E.M. Bounds said "Short, powerful, public prayers are the outcome of long secret intercession." Someone may ask "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" The answer: "Where He has always been - on the throne!" But where are the Elijah's of God?

Elijah was a man of prayer; a man of like passions as we are, but are we men of like prayer and passions as He?

Did you know that one praying person stands as a majority with God?

Today it seems God is bypassing men - Why? Not because they are too ignorant, but because they are too self-sufficient; our abilities are our handicaps, our talents are our stumbling blocks.

The church began with men in the upper room agonizing. Today it is meeting in the supper room organizing. It began in revival and today it carries on in ritual.


Jason Sansbury said...

Wow. Powerful stuff, especially the closing.

Jeff said...

If there was ever evidence the power of prayer we simply need to evalute our past 2 years here @ SOTH. IMO the covenant we established which inspired what we knew but failed to demonstrate was the foundation of prayer.

The thought about as men are we seeking outwardly prayer like elijah is true, which is why we still want to teach the simple things. Prayer should be simple and refreshing @ times selfish and personal and other times humble. Invitation after worship, prayer requests, prayer club for men, prayer team, GA Mail are all tools to enable. But at the end of the day we have to take that step.

The last comment suggests to me some barriers that prevent the first step of showing willingness of outward prayer. We at times get caught up around organizing and running a church we forget that we are a church founded on prayer.

As a prayer team member i dream of a day that the best organized event we could have is when everyone openly walks to alter and prays as one family and group. I saw the power and presence when we did the hatain prayer service. 50 people in a cirlce at the alter simply giving in the the power and grace of GOD.

Good stuff Adam, what else does pop pop have?

Adam M. Roberts said...

Mike, I love this my friend. I think I may have to take the "supper room" line as my facebook status for the day, with credit to you and Theo, of course.