Jun 8, 2010


A Month with Galatians...

That's what we're doing at Shepherd of the Hills on Sunday mornings, and I thought it would be good for me to work through this powerful little letter day by day on the SOTHblog. Thanks for indulging.

So, here we go:

Galatians 1:1-5, The Message (read the whole chapter here)

1-5 I, Paul, and my companions in faith here, send greetings to the Galatian churches.

My authority for writing to you does not come from any popular vote of the people, nor does it come through the appointment of some human higher-up.

It comes directly from Jesus the Messiah and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.

I'm God-commissioned.

So I greet you with the great words, grace and peace! We know the meaning of those words because Jesus Christ rescued us from this evil world we're in by offering himself as a sacrifice for our sins.

God's plan is that we all experience that rescue.

Glory to God forever! Oh, yes!

As we jump in to what Paul had to say to this church, first things have to come first.

He needs to remind everyone of his authority. Really, the authority isn't his, it's been given to him directly.

The message he carries isn't his own invention. He didn't write this sermon. It's straight from God.

Paul is "God-commissioned."

Acts 9 tells the story, and it's really the place where this letter begins.

Saul was heading to Damascus to arrest the followers of Jesus. Until he met Jesus himself. He experienced the resurrected Christ first-hand. He sat blinded for three days. His life changed forever.

As these next chapters unfold, we'll hear Paul say some hard things to these people he loves. He says it because he has to. The truth burns inside of him and he has to speak. They've been led astray, and that's not something Paul is able to tolerate.

He's God commissioned.

Curious about what a person who saw the risen Jesus face-to-face might have to say about what it means to be a follower of "The Way?"

Then let's keep reading.

Grace & Peace,

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