Jun 8, 2010

Summer Camp 2010

The youth and I have returned from Summer Camp on Friday...though I have not completely recovered! What an amazing weekend from the beach to the worship - across the board - it was an unforgettable experience for those who attended.

The theme of the week was "Next" and it was a focus on the things Jesus said that we might pass on; and I dont mean that we share it, either. I mean He said "Go do ________________" and we respond with "I'd rather not."

The four talks centered on Jesus saying:

1) Follow me.
2) Take up your cross.
3) Do not be afraid.
4) Go make disciples.

Some of our groups' highlights from the weekend:

1) Adam and Amber Rigby coming along! Both were amazing assets and presences on the retreat both for the kids and for me. I actually caught a little bit of flack from the other youth directors when they first discovered that Adam was my senior pastor - In case you didnt know: Its not cool to have your pastor along on a retreat. But as the week rolled on and the others got to see Adam at work with the kids, they grew to the point of being envious of my ability to include a senior pastor on a youth trip that didnt suck the cool-factor right out of the room. Amber was a great addition, too, who not only had a great time herself but also enhanced the experience for the youth as she played all of their games on the bus and took them where ever they wanted to go without complaint while we were at the beach. So grateful for both of their presences at Summer Camp!

2) Six hours on a bus makes for some interesting time killers...They ranged from the game Catchphrase to Adam annoying the youth with songs from his mp3 player about harvesting corn to Brian Riehl free-style rapping. Yeah. That happened.

3) On our last night at the camp, two amazing things happened. The first happened right after the talk that evening. The worship space was made quiet as an invitation for youth and adults alike to sit in prayerful communion with and reflection on their God. Watching as the SOTH youth sat, heads bowed and arms around one another, was awesome. I sat in the back literally in awe of their faiths and love for God and one another, blessed at the fact that I have been called to SOTH in such a capacity as to nurture and witness to their spiritual lives, and humbled at the fact that my effects on their lives are nothing compared to what was going on in those moments. Later that night the kids wanted to walk on the beach to the pier and back - not a short jaunt, mind you. En route, a bunch of them struck up singing worship songs...and didnt stop. Not for fear of shame in front of the other random folks on the beach as we walked. Not for shame in their singing abilities. Not for anything. They lifted their voices and sang to the One they love.

4) Adam and I had two awesome opportunities on the retreat to prove that he was not the lame senior pastor that some feared he might be. The first came when Adam was called upon to participate in a game during which he had a large jar-like container of ping-pong balls taped to his stomach and was instructed that he had to get all of the balls out of the container without using his hands or turning upside down before his challenger did the same. Adam and I, using our tried and true telepathy, knew exactly what to do, and when the guy running the games said "Go" I tore through the crowd of youth towards the front and used MY hands to clear his container before his opponent of the game dude knew what was going on. Victory was ours. So was the respect and wonder of the youth directors in the room who realized that Adam and I share an amazing mind-meldish bond. The second cool-point winning moment for Adam was his inclusion in the prankster team of youth directors. He even scored some major laughs from the kids with his shenanigans. I think Adam will be a welcomed part of Summer Camp next year should he choose to attend...

Summer Camp 2010 was a huge success both relationally and spiritually. Many thanks from the youth ministry to those who prayed during our stay for safety, fun, and for God's movement. Summer Camp wouldnt have been the same without you!

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