Mar 22, 2009

Relationship Series

Okay, I think I finally have the series on relationships in a working order:

Week 1: Title: "You First"
Scripture: Matthew 7:3
Basic Idea: We should be sure that we are in a good place ourselves before attempting to be okay with another.

Week 2: Title: "Standards"
Scripture: Mixed/TBD
Basic Idea: Figure out what your standards are, what they should be, and then make no compromises with them.

Week 3: Title: "What Now?
Scripture: Mixed/TBD
Basic Idea: This will be a study of what to watch for during the relationship.

Week 4: Title: "In the End"
Scripture: Mark 12:30-31
Basic Idea: We have standards to uphold even when we bring a relationship to a close.

This series will begin on April 5th.

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