Feb 2, 2010


Psalm 138 (NIV)
6 Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar.

7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes,
with your right hand you save me.

8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever—
do not abandon the works of your hands.

An essential mystery of our faith: God is far away..."on high," but also close..."in the midst of our trouble."

So which is it?

A fair question, from our human point of view. But altogether wrong.

The answer is both. Thank goodness that's the answer, because that's exactly the God we need.

I need to know that God is "on high," that he sees it all, that there is an order in the midst of endless chaos. But even more, I need to be "lowly," so that I can allow God into my trouble and pain. What I do not need is to feel that I'm down here to figure out this world on my own.

Right now, there is immense tragedy unfolding to our south, in Haiti, on a scale that few of us can even imagine. Some will use this terrible situation to prove that God does not exist, or that if he does, he is unmoved by human suffering.

Tonight at SOTH, we will tell another story. The Haitian Christian community of Douglasville is coming to our church and we will pray together. We will listen as their pastors and leaders share stories of death and loss, but also hope and God's presence and action in the midst of their desperate trouble.

Perhaps a relationship will begin between our congregations that will show us all just how much God loves the lowly.

Let's all be lowly, and looked upon by the Lord. May we see his purpose fulfilled within us.

Grace & Peace,



Jeff said...

This speaks to me on several levels, while the passage clearly suggests presence. It also speaks on how GOD no matter the person you are "GOOD or BAD" or the sins you've committed GOD is with you and forgives you. It has has a "BIG BROTHER" aspect to it as well meaning that you can't hide from GOD as he see's and knows everything and as a result uses mild intimidation like a parent to a child. suggesting that because GOD is always present, don't trick yourself put fourth the values of love and things will become much easier.

Unknown said...

wow I needed that one today... thanks