Aug 31, 2005


I find it so interesting that we come to know hurricanes on a first-name basis. Camille, Floyd, Hazel and Hugo were all terrible storms, but their names sound like they came directly from the roster of residents who live down at the local retirement center. Maybe putting a name on the devastation gives us some little hand-hold on the face of a situation too dire to understand.

There are all sorts of real, practical reasons that hurricanes get human names. It keeps down confusion and makes communication between agencies and all the folks involved more clear. But the naming of a storm does something else, as well. It does something unexpected, non-scientific and perhaps even irrational. Perhaps the name gives voice to something we feel, but don't know how to express. A name is personal, just like the devastation experienced by all those in the path of this storm.

You see, it wasn't just "a storm" that did this to New Orleans, Biloxi, Gulfport and all the many other places that now lay in waste. "Katrina" did it. For those without electricity, food or water this morning, for those who wait anxiously to hear from family and friends, there must be some strong sense that Katrina's violence was aimed, very personally, at them. I doubt that those currently in the disaster area are doing much theological reflection about their situation this morning. I can imagine that they are finding more urgent issues of day-to-day survival much closer at hand.

But one day they will surely ask the question that many of us may be asking even now. Where is God in the midst of Katrina, or the tsunami, or tornado, or earthquake? Where is God as looters ravage what little remains of value in the midst of this catastrophe? I think it all depends on where and how you choose to look.

Remember, God has a name, too. Actually, God has lots of names. Redeemer. Comforter. Savior. Messiah. Emmanuel, "God with us." In the book we'll be studying this September, God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg says that it's easy to see God on some days. These are the "rainbow days" when we can see signs of God's covenant to be with us everywhere we look. Other days are much, much, tougher. There are moments when we don't see God at all. Even then, he is still with us, closer than we think, and his presence, too, is something we should take very personally.

I believe that God has been present in the rescues, in the outpouring of support and supplies, and in the survival stories. Somehow, maybe even in ways that I can't easily understand or articulate, I even believe that God has especially been present with those who have been lost in this tragedy. God will be present through the many acts of kindness and love that are done in his name. God will be present as his people respond, and are moved to help.

I know that many of you, like me, are frustrated by seeing all of this on television and then feeling unable to respond. While we may not be able to do much physically to help where the damage is the worst, we can give financial aid and support in ways that will help the most. One way that your church offers for you to get involved is through UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Our own Bishop, Lindsey Davis, is deeply involved with UMCOR, and I can tell you personally that 100% of all money given to relief through UMCOR will go directly into helping those in need. None of your gift will be used to support UMCOR's administrative costs, as these are supported through our denominational budget.

We will collect a special offering for hurricane relief this Sunday, but you can click here to give online right now.

Thank you for being a people of faith, a people of prayer, a sign of God's presence, and a real means of help for those who are hurting. God is with us all.

Grace & Peace,


Don't forget, we'll have dinner together here at the church, tonight, 6:30 pm. Folks' is doing the catering, and already almost 100 of you have signed up to be here. Come on out and join the party.

God is Closer Than You Think will begin at 7 pm on September 14. Books will be available at the church tonight.

Aug 24, 2005

Uncle Pat

The trend so far with this blog is that whatever "big" thing happens on Tuesday (and makes the TV news, of course) will become the subject of my Wednesday morning ramblings. Maybe we've just had a good run of Tuesdays so far. Either that or I should get out more.

At any rate, it is difficult to write this morning without addressing yesterday's comments from former Presidential candidate/televangelist/pundit Pat Robertson.
Now, I woke up this morning determined to write about anything other than "Rev." Pat. Then, I clicked on my TV set while drinking my morning coffee. What I saw there was the morning programing of Turner South, home to The Braves, re-runs of The Andy Griffith Show, and all things Southern. It's also the channel I'd been watching the night before when the Cubs scored their 8th run against the Braves and I turned off the set to go to sleep.

There, on the theological academy that is Turner South, I got to hear the musings of "Rick and Bubba," as they debated the fine points of Pat Robertson's comments. The Rick and Bubba Show is broadcast on country radio stations around the nation every morning, and their listenership is especially strong here in the Southeast. Mostly, their audience is made up of thirty-something, southern, white guys like me. Listening to them go at it, it became obvious that Pat Robertson would have to be my topic for this day, whether I liked it or not.

It amazes me that his comments could get so much media coverage. Personally, I tend to think of Pat Robertson much as I would an old, eccentric (which is always a nice way of saying "nutty") uncle that you only see at family reunions every few years. For the most part he's harmless, and nobody really listens to what he's got to say because they know that he's liable to say anything, anytime. Such outbursts are especially likely to happen when "Uncle Pat" hasn't been getting enough attention. Generally, you just have to hope that most people will overlook the stuff he comes up with, and be kind to a doddering old man. And, for the most part, that's what happens. We forget he's out there.

But this time, his comments have been all over the place, picked up by most every cable news outlet. Granted, what he said on this occasion did have to do with his advocacy for the government-sanctioned, illegal execution of a foreign head of state and all, but who's really listening to him anyway? Honestly, I figure that some other sensational thing will happen soon (it may have already) and by tomorrow, our crazy Uncle Pat will again be relegated to a far corner of the Christian family table, surrounded only by those few folks who think his odd stories and irate spoutings are cute.

But, maybe I'm wrong. Either Rick and Bubba are two of "those few" who agree with him, or they represent a section of the Christian faith that I struggle to comprehend. It was fascinating to hear them as they defended Robertson on their morning show. Now, who knows if any of what they said is really what they believe. I'm certainly cynical enough to believe that what they were doing was pandering to their demographic and looking for higher ratings. But, the fact that they could even make that decision perhaps does betray something that they think they know about the people who listen to their show.

Most of the time, entertainment programs don't go looking to anger and isolate their target audience. If what they were preaching was hitting home with their listeners, the most frightening point is that the "defense" they were making wasn't a political one (Hugo Chavez is a threat), or a practical one (Pat's right after all, assassination is cheaper than a war), it was a theological one.

Rarely do we get to witness a real, live, Christian debate happening in our media, and I relished the opportunity to hear "real people," like Rick and Bubba's callers, talk theology. For that matter, ol' Rick and Bubba were pretty "real" themselves. Their first caller said, "I say let the pastor without sin throw the first stone. Pat Robertson was wrong, and Jesus would never have said something like that." Alright, I thought, there's a pretty good start. "Oh Yeah," replied Bubba, "how would you prove that with scripture?" I sat up and took notice. Now this was getting really good.

"Well, how about, 'love your enemies, and pray for them,'" the caller responded. He continued, "or what about, 'turn the other cheek?'" The caller then went on to outline how Jesus consistently loved the unloveable and risked himself for others, even those who would mean to do him harm. "That's great and all," Rick said, "but Jesus was just talking about how we treat each other. It's different when we're talking about nations and countries. The God of the Bible has lots to say about how right it is to fight and destroy evil countries."

Admittedly, this show is an offbeat place to jump into discussions of Christian theology and "just war" theory, but the basic conflict outlined in those few moments forms the core of a debate among Christians that is as old as the faith itself, and continues still today. In fact, even the disciples had disagreements over the way that a Christian should seek to affect change in his or her world. Remember Simon "the zealot?" He and others like him advocated the overthrow of the Roman oppressors by force, and they must have been sorely disappointed in the plan that Jesus hatched. You see, it didn't have anything to do with assassinating Caesar.

Can there really be one set of Jesus' teaching that applies to how we treat the person next door, in the office, or at the busy intersection, but another that applies to the conduct of nations and conflict that happens on the world stage? Rick & Bubba seem to think so, maybe Pat Robertson does too, and so do we if we're not paying close attention to the way we think and act everyday.

The practice of picking and choosing which part of Jesus we allow to impact our lives (individually and collelctively) is a losing proposition. And yet, even with that knowledge, we all still do it. We know that we can't just take the part of him that we like, and that we shouldn't just invite him into the conversations that we choose.

I'm not a pacifist, and I painfully acknowledge that there are times when there is no reasonable choice but to fight. Even so, I just can't see how any follower of Jesus can read his words, experience his grace, or take him at all seriously and still believe that bloodshed (no matter to whom the blood belongs, or how much they deserve to have it shed) is the easy or obvious answer.

The challenge that I face today is one of really trying to live with all of Jesus' words. I have to let them push me into uncomfortable places. Above all, I have to entertain the strong possibility that the words of Jesus which I find most difficult, scandalous or offensive are the ones that most likely touch the very places in my heart that need the greatest healing.

Discipleship isn't easy. Love isn't for sissies. Hitting first, hitting back, or even hitting at all almost always seems like a good plan at first, but it's the hardest and most damaging path in the end. The miracle of Jesus' teachings is that they always offer us that which we most need. He never fails to be a source of comfort for the afflicted, and deep affliction for the comfortable. Which ones are we? When I read his words with an open heart, I always seem to know.

Jesus said, among many things, "blessed are the peacemakers." May his disciples always strive to be makers of the peace.


Last week I asked everybody to contribute any helpful links or resources that they have used in their own devotional lives and found helpful. Thanks to Baeh Reid, who points us toward a really helpful tool if you're an ipod or MP3 user.

Also, thanks to all of you who gave feedback on the sacred space site. I'm very glad it was helpful.

And, if this article has piqued your interest in working more with what "just war" theory is all about, check out This is the best synopsis of this very old philosophical/religious school of thought that I've seen. If you've got some time, and really enjoy wading in deep water, this might be for you.


Remember, God Is Closer Than You Think study will begin on Wednesday night, September 14th, 7 pm up at "The Ranch." This will be the first time we've put one of our newly renovated spaces to a big test, and I think we'll be able to hold everybody. The big room that was formerly Sandi's office on the end of the house is now an open classroom space, and we'll set it up for our use on Wednesday nights. Books are now on sale for $10, payable at the church office, or on Sunday mornings.

SOTH has a wonderful tradition of Wednesday night dinners together, once every month. We'll continue that tradition next Wednesday night, August 31, down at the main church building. Everybody is welcome and the food will be ready to go at 6:30 pm. After that, look forward to food and fellowship every 3rd Wednesday night in September, October and November.

"A Picture of Jesus" worship series will conclude this Sunday in all services. We'll look at the story of Lazarus, brought back to life by Jesus, and "Life" will be the theme of the day.

Know that I always appreciate your feedback and conversation. You can e-mail me by viewing my profile and following the e-mail link. Also, the letter icon below this column will allow you to forward this blog on to any friends (and hope they've got plenty of time to read!).

Grace & Peace,


Aug 17, 2005


Yesterday afternoon when I got home from the office, I turned on the tv, which is my habit. What a bad habit. Even worse is that my first instinct upon turning on the tv is to cruise by the 24-hour news channels to see what's up in the world. Truly, I've got to stop.

I was greeted by Wolf Blitzer (what a great name) in "The Situation Room" on CNN "The Situation Room" is without a doubt, hands-down, THE most scary news program I have ever seen. I can almost imagine the programming meeting at CNN when they sat around the table to discuss ways to pump up the ratings. The demographic studies in our post-9/11 world must show that nothing, and I mean nothing, can draw a crowd like some good old fashioned fear-mongering. I guess CNN decided that if they can't be the loudest, the most righteous, or the hippest, they can at least be the scariest. They're doing an awesome job.

Wolf Blitzer has really been working on his end-of-the-world, imminent-doom, massive-destruction-is-coming-to-your-neighborhood, news anchorman voice. Do you know the feeling you get in your stomach when you hear the "breaking news update" music interrupt your favorite evening tv show? For me, especially since 9/11, there is a moment when adrenaline and foreboding rush together right before the talking head delivers the story, whatever it may be. Somehow, the folks at CNN have managed to stretch that moment from 3 minutes to the entire 3 hours of Wolf's new show.

Yesterday's life-threatening emergency of the day was "the worm" called zotob Where had I been? I hadn't heard anything about this "worm" that was ravaging computers around the world. Already, Blitzer reported, computers at CNN, in the very room where he stood, were shutting down and refusing to operate. The worm was spreading from server to server, computer to computer. If someone didn't stop the madness soon, clearly, all would be lost! "A technological catastrophe of this magnitude could costs hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost productivity and damaged equipment," we were told.

With great speed and intensity, CNN cut to the panel of experts they had gathered. "Microsoft says this is a 'low impact' threat," one man dared to say. Undaunted, Blitzer continued to whip up the frenzy. But then, another expert added, "This worm should only have potential to impact computers running Windows 2000, which is only 15% or so of all PC's out there." "And," he continued, "microsoft has already posted a security patch, and people can go download it right now." Blitzer remained grim, determined not to be softened by this unexpected outbreak of good news. "Still," he said, "we're talking about millions of computers that could be destroyed." I could take it no longer. What operating system did we run in the office? XP, I was sure....but wouldn't hurt to do what I could to stop the menace. I got up, went back to work, and made sure our computers were safe for The Kingdom.

Fear really is a powerful motivator. Not much could have put me back in my car, heading back to the office once I was home with my family, but The Wolf and The Worm managed to do it. I went to and followed their instructions for locking SOTH's computers safely away from zotob. Before downloading the security patch, you're instructed to search all the files on your computer, to make sure that zotob isn't already lurking. With a few clicks, I was able to rest assured that all was well. A few more, and we were safely protected from the threat, even though we probably weren't at any risk from this particular worm in the first place. Even so, I could now go home in peace, at least for the moment.

TV news isn't the only place where fear is used to get ratings, response and reaction. Lots of churches and Christians fall prey to using it in the very same way. Fear of hell, fear of failure, fear of condemnation, fear of God...all of these are used to get people out of the doors and into the pews. Even worse, some people let fear become the primary foundation of their relationship with God. The problem, of course, is that you can't really have much of a relationship with someone (or some God) when you're convinced that they're just looking for all the ways you don't measure up, so that they can smash you, burn you up, or otherwise throw you out into eternity's landfill.

So what does a positive experience of Christian faith in God look like? Maybe it looks more like a microsoft security patch than a doom-and-gloom news anchor. What I mean is --- maybe a little piece of God's love is already out there, just waiting to be downloaded. Maybe the worms of jealousy, low self-worth, hatred, bigotry, dishonesty and greed really can be stopped before they infect us all. It will take more than a few mouse clicks of work before we begin to see the results of God's healing in our lives, but it really can happen. Growth, healing and maturity happen moment by moment, day by day, as we become disciples of the one who loves us completely.

If you haven't done it yet today, take a moment to pray. If you've had a moment to read this article, maybe there's another moment to tell God where you hurt, to name the battles you're facing, to ask forgiveness for the times that pain and confusion have caused you to hurt other people. Maybe there's just a moment to find some scripture, and to listen closely for the strength and wisdom it seeks to give. Bill Gates is great and all, but God's security patch is even better.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love." 1 John 4:18


From time to time, I hope that we can share ideas and tools that are helpful for developing our walk with Christ. If you happen to have that "moment" I talked about to spend a little time in prayer, give this site a try --

This is a prayer site run by Irish Jesuits, and uses an age-old method of devotion called Lectio Divina, a process of thoughtful reflection on scripture. You can follow the prompts and go at your own pace. It's something that I've found helpful in my own life, and I thought you might find it useful too. The site changes every day and it's a great way to read more scripture.

Do you have sites, tools or methods that help your faith grow stronger? Send me an e-mail and let me know if you've got something you want to share. I'll put everything together and post it for next week.


Don't forget, we'll have our first big Wednesday night dinner on August 31, 6:30 pm. No agenda, except to have a great time together. More specifics to come next week.

Also, don't forget God Is Closer Than You Think, the book study that we'll begin on Wednesday night, September 14. Sign-up will begin this Sunday at church, and we'll take orders for the book.

See you this Sunday --- Adam

Aug 10, 2005


I read an amazing thing this week that really got my attention. In his new book, God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg says, “The central promise in the Bible is not ‘I will forgive you,’ although of course that promise is there. It is not the promise of life after death, although we are offered that as well. The most frequent promise in the Bible is, ‘I will be with you’” (16).

Pretty revolutionary idea, huh? I know, it doesn’t seem very dramatic to hear that a Christian writer might assert that God loves us and promises to be with us. And yet, for all my years of life in the church, I don’t know that I’ve ever heard a single pastor (including yours truly), talk about the primary and fundamental importance of God’s presence in exactly these terms.

Let’s try to be honest, because I'm pretty sure it's mostly honesty that makes up the fertile, and yes, sometimes stinky, kind of soil that we need for our spiritual lives to take root and grow. Even though we talk about it at church a lot, and we claim it as one of the great goals of a Christian life, I’m not altogether sure how much any of us simply desire God's presence. What we all really want from God is action. Results. Quality you can count on. Quick, friendly and reliable. God is standing by, waiting on your call. Or, maybe that’s just me.

There are reasons we long for action. The world is not right, and we can see it. Surely God must see it, too. There are times that we legitimately long for rescue. Last week the space shuttle operation made me think about the times in our lives that we try to fix a billion dollar soul problem with whatever improvised "hacksaw" we can make. Yesterday was one of those times that I got to live the theory in real life. I learned that a friend finds himself facing immediate, major surgery and then will wait to see what treatment and recovery will come next. When we know someone else’s deep hurt and struggle, we often find ourselves longing to “do” something to make the situation better. I longed to say that "right" thing. It just didn't seem that there was that much "right" to be said.

In seminary (that’s “preacher school”) they taught us that the best and most important way to care for someone in need was not to “do,” but just to “be.” A “ministry of presence,” as it’s called, was held up as a model of caregiving. Our presence with them was to serve as a sign of God's unfailing presence -- or something like that. Somehow this always felt a little hollow to me, or at least not very satisfying. If all I can offer is presence, surely I'm failing my responsibilities. If I was a better Christian/pastor/person, I’d know what to “do.” But, if I can't do something, surely God can.

Sometimes, what God "does" looks a whole lot like "being." Last night, a group of 13 men gathered here at SOTH for their monthly Men's Group meeting. We laughed, ate, talked about the group’s work and projects, and then an amazing thing took place. One by one, our stories moved around the circle, and we talked about more than the Braves and Bulldogs. Those guys talked about their lives, their joys and their struggles -- and then joined hands together in prayer.

Generally speaking, this is not something guys do. We just don’t. But we did. I was able to tell them of the news I had learned, of my concern for my friend and for the great weight that he and his family must be carrying.

I can simply tell you this. God’s promise to be present was fulfilled in that room. God really will forgive and save and love us, but all of those things are simply manifestations of his first promise. Presence. It’s all we need. Really, it’s all there is. And it is enough.

Life at Soth:

Great things continue to happen up at “the ranch.” Tonight, new flooring will go in the renovated kitchen/workroom and we’ll spend the rest of the week cleaning and organizing our new multi-purpose room on the end of the house facing the driveway. This Saturday we’ll be putting together some great new office furniture in Sandi’s office and getting her up and running. Many thanks to a great lady named Jane Hibbard who attends The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta. We found each other through Craig’s List, and rather than sell us her furniture as she’d planned, she simply donated it to the cause. It’s good to find a sister in Christ (with office furniture)!

Look forward to a big Wednesday night meal together on August 31. Starting September 14th, we hope to offer a weekly Wednesday night meal with a study on God is Closer Than You Think (the book I mentioned above). Also, Sue Goldsmith will begin teaching Youth Disciple for high school and college age students, Wednesday night August 17th.

May you all have a great rest of the week --- and see you this Sunday!

Grace & Peace,

Aug 3, 2005

What This Thing Is All About

Welcome to the "SOTHBLOG." Really, this page is nothing more than a good ol' weekly "pastor's column" -- the kind that's been done in church newsletters for years. But, by virtue of its presence on the internet, this becomes a "blog," which sounds so much cooler, so much more 21st century, and does allow for a little more interaction. From here, you should be able to e-mail me comments and questions, and I'm glad to be in touch with all of you. In fact, that's really the reason for my writing. Our newsletter only comes out once a month, so this blog gives us a chance to check in mid-week, and gives me another opportunity to take steps toward becoming your pastor. In my mind, pastors are those people whose job it is to help folks make the realities of their life experience come into conversation with the Christian story. That's what I want to try to do here.

Yes, I am unabashedly a "Jesus person." But, I seek to be the kind of Jesus-follower who asks tough questions and struggles along with those who are trying to work out their faith. I want to learn something new about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, life, people and this whole world every day. I believe with all my heart that the lessons are always there. Whether I learn them has to do with how well I keep my eyes and ears open, how well I can listen instead of speak, and how well I can let God go to work on my heart.

Now, all that said, a blog is sort of an exercise in irony. Even while I say that I want to learn to listen, writing a blog is really a way to speak. At their cores, blogs are pretty narcissistic. People write them because they believe that somebody wants to read what they've got to say. A lot of bloggers seem fascinated with the inane details of their own lives, and they're convinced that you will be, too. Hopefully, I'll be fascinated in this weekly column with God, the world, and a Christian's attempt to bring the two together. I do know my own experiences better than anyone else's, so trust me, they're sure to come up. But, I promise not to make this a page all about sharing pictures of my kids, dog, and my latest slow-pitch softball stats. I just hope that something you see here will deepen your faith, build our relationship, and give you a little more strength and grace for your journey.

OUT THERE IN THE WORLD: This morning before sunrise I did a little channel surfing and found out that my cable system has a "NASA" channel. With what's going on right now with the shuttle "Discovery," what I saw there was really amazing. There on the tv in my living room was live video of two astronauts tethered to the shuttle, working on attaching a new addition to the space station. In about an hour, they'll be attempting to remove the two pieces of "gap filler" that are protruding from the shuttle's belly, threatening to cause another disaster on re-entry. By the time you read this, we'll know how they did.

I guess I always thought that things like the shuttle were so technically complex that non-astronaut folks like us couldn't possibly understand the procedures or the lingo. That's really not the case. Yesterday, when a reporter asked Steve Robinson, the astronaut who will do the "gap filler" removal how he planned to do it, he said, (this is my paraphrase, but it's close), "I'm going to grab it, and very gently pull it out. If that doesn't work, I've got some forceps, and I'll give it a pull with those, and then if that doesn't work, I'm going to take a hacksaw and cut them off." Wow. That sounds exactly like my approach to more repairs: pull on it firmly a couple times, then just say the heck with it and cut it off.

Now believe me, I trust that NASA has worked through this in a much more complex way than my description sounds, but as I listened to the astronauts' communication this morning while they tried to secure a "latch arm" on a certain piece of the space station, they sounded for all the world like two guys hitching their boat up to their truck. "Hold on, wait, come on back, almost ---- ok, got it." When everything's over today, they'll go back inside the shuttle and then pretty soon, ride it back into the earth's atmosphere. What other choice do they really have but to do their best, carry out the plan, and then -- trust?

Life and faith are more like this for all of us than we might like to admit. The trick of our culture, education and society is that we're made to believe that for the most part, we really are in control. We're really not. What I know as my wife, kids and I leave our home and go our various ways today is that we'll do our best, we'll follow the "plan" as well as we can, and ultimately we, too, have to trust. We may find ourselves in tough situations, feeling inadequate to fix the problems we face. There are moments when we feel for all the world that we've been sent out to work on a billion dollar machine with a homemade hacksaw. In those moments, I encourage you not to give up.

I have met people who've been scarred by such moments, and become convinced that such realities prove that there is no God. For me, nothing could be further from the truth. It's only in times of uncertainty that the best lessons of faith lie just around the corner. As individuals, as a congregation, as mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, employers and employees, students and teachers, let's learn to trust. That's ultimately what faith is all about. At the bottom of it all, trusting God really is the right choice. I don't know what the future holds, except that it holds God's love and presence, no matter what.

Please say many prayers in the next few days for the Discovery astronauts, for their family, friends and loved ones, and for their safe return.

LIFE AT SOTH: This evening we'll have our mid-week work session, cutting grass and taking care of all our landscaping, as well as working more on the re-model happening up at "the ranch." It may seem crazy to think that coming out and volunteering to work in the heat and humidity could be a good time, but we always have a good turnout, and I swear we have a blast.

"The ranch" is the brick ranch house adjacent to the church that houses our offices and some future educational space. We're doing work throughout the building to get the most out of every square foot and to make it a welcoming and inviting place for ministry. Come by and see the re-finished hardwood in what will soon be Sandi's office and reception area, and we'll show you the plans for what's coming in the next few weeks. Lots of painting and scrubbing to be done today if you want to work inside in the a/c.

Sunday will begin an August sermon series called, "Picture of Jesus," and we'll take a look at four scenes from the gospels that get to the heart of who Jesus is. If you've got questions about who Jesus is, why he matters, and how his life might change yours, come join us at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 this month and see what we find out.

August 17th will begin new Wednesday night programming, and each week we'll be offering a community meal followed by Bible study for all ages. More details coming very soon.

Thanks for hanging in there with this incredibly long post. They'll be much shorter in future weeks. See you this Sunday, if not before.

Grace and Peace,