Nov 23, 2005


Well, about 350 years ago the Pilgrims and Indians got together and had a big ol' celebration.

So, tomorrow, to commemorate that great event, I plan to eat turkey and wonderful, smushy side-dishes, nap, watch football and spend time with my family. Hey, it works for me.

But, our annual celebration of Thanksgiving really does give us the opportunity to take a moment and think.

Now, it may seem like "taking a moment" and "thinking" might be the last things that you've got time for in the midst of Thanksgiving preparations. If you're hosting a gathering this year, then you're no doubt spending this day cleaning house, cooking, re-cleaning the kitchen several more times and possibly even braving the crowd at Kroger. May God be with you.

So, take a moment --- right now. After all, you're already surfing the internet, probably putting off something else that you should really be doing. A couple more minutes isn't going to hurt.

Below, you'll see a button that allows you to leave comment. I hope you'll use that button. This week, I want us to use the "blog" to the fullest, creating a kind of virutal wall of thanks that can be shared by everybody who surfs this way.

I'll get the ball rolling:

I am so thankful to be the pastor of Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church. It's amazing to me to think that my life has unfolded in such a way that I get to work full-time at something I love so much and am so passionate about. I am honored to have become part of something that was already so good, so mission-oriented and so full of life. I believe that God will use your gifts and mine and do greater things here than we have ever dreamed.

I am thankful for those of you who have opened your hearts to me, but even more so for the way that you have received my family. It's one thing to move myself across the state to a place where we don't know anybody, but it's something else altogether to ask that of my wife and sons. We are all blooming and prospering in your care, and for that I am so thankful.

I am thankful for the relationships that surround me. Most particularly, I am thankful for my family. Holly, Will and Sam are true miracles that I get to experience every day, and they are the best signs I've ever known of how real and deep God's love is.

I am thankful for my parents and grandparents. For all of my family on both sides -- they surround me and support me even when I've let the phone lines grow too cold and the distance too great. I am thankful for them and for all the family and friends I've known and loved in the days before there was a "Rev." attached to my name.

Most of all, I am thankful that God never leaves us, never gives up on us, and always, always loves us. I am thankful for the ways that he shows us that love every day.

Take a moment and tell the world (well, ok, actually just the few folks who read this post each week) what you're thankful for. I'd tell you to keep it short, but that would be among the most hypocritical things said so far this century. So, knock yourself out and have a blast.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody...

Life at SOTH:
Don't forget our Hanging of the Greens service this Sunday. ONE SERVICE ONLY, 10 AM. I can promise that you've never been to a service like this one --- fully interactive, dramatic and lots of fun. It'll be worth getting home by Sunday morning for.

Holly and Adam leave for England after the service this Sunday. Look for frequent SOTHBLOG posts from the other side of the pond. Thanks to Max Vincent, who will preach on 12/4 at both services, and to Keith Windmiller of New Covenant UMC for helping out with any emergency pastoral care needs that may arise.


Adam M. Roberts said...

Hi everybody --- just click the "comments" button above and then post what you're thankful for this Thanksgiving. Thanks! Adam

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that God has given me life; to experience all of the trials and tribulations and to feel triumphant when they are over. I am thankful for my parents who raised me in a Christian home; influenced me with "good ole gospel music", taught me obedience and respect for others. I am thankful that God brought a wonderful man in my life 26 years ago who accepted not only me, but my three daughters as his own; who never showed favoratism when we had a child together; who loved the Lord and raised our children to love the Lord.

I am thankful for my church family; for the prayers, the love, the concern shown to me in the past year.

I am thankful God sent us a wonderful man to be our teacher, our leader and for the passion he has for his calling (that's you, Adam).

I am thankful to be an American living in a wonderful country and for our military who defend our freedom.

Thank you God for all the blessings I have received and continue to receive. Sandra Wells

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that God loves me, no matter what.

I am especially thankful for my 3 boys. They brighten my day (even when they drive me bonkers). To hear them laugh and watch them grow and mature into young, christian men is a blessing that I am eternally grateful for.

I'm thankful for my mother, my sister and my brother. They are my saving grace...even when we have differences of opinions. I love them all so very much.

I am thankful that I discovered SOTH 3.5yrs ago and for the many friends and fellow sisters and brothers in Christ that I have encountered at SOTH. Each and every one has truly been a blessing in the lives of my boys and me. We've been so well embraced and cared for by a wonderful, spiritual, loving group of people and I truly thank God for that.

I am thankful that we have a wonderfully inspiring pastor. His enthusiasm and passion for the word of God is contagious.

May you all have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving.

Andrea Vantrees

Anonymous said...

We are thankful for our wonderful marriage of almost thirty years and our two beautiful daughters.

We are thankful for life and Kevan's recovery from prostate cancer.

We are thankful for finding Sheperd Of The Hills and for our new church family and their prayers during his illness.

We are thankful for Adam and Holly and for having such a sincere and inspirational pastor to help us develop our relationship with God.

Jaquie and Kevan Butler.

Anonymous said...

First of all, we must give thanks for all of our service men and women who are now serving and those who have served so that we have the freedom to celebrate this day of Thanksgiving.
We are thankful for our families and friends durng this holiday for their love and friendship.
Thankful that God led us to Shepherd of the Hills Church, where members have become a part of a large and loving family.
Most thankful to God for bringing us Adam and Holly to be a part of our church family. Adam has been our "Shepherd" with vision and knowledge for our "Flock". He has taught us that God is working miracles among us everyday in so many ways.
We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that SOTH has such a good leader in the person of Adam Roberts. May God's blessings continue to flow upon your wonderful church family.

Anonymous said...

I am so very thankful that God has continued to love me and guide me even in times when I wasn't listening very well. He has truly blessed me with far more than I deserve.

I am thankful for my husband who shows his love and devotion to me and the girls constantly. His strength, dedication and loyalty astound me each day. While I may grow tired of his travel for work, I try and remind myself each day that he is doing it, not for himself, but for his family. If it weren't for his tireless efforts, I may not be able to be home with Marisa and Anna.

I thank God for blessing us with Marisa and Anna, two of the most precious beings I have ever encountered (ok, I'm a bit biased). While our faith was tested with many losses early on when we tried to have children, God had plans for us with these girls. These angels light up my life each morning with their sweet smiles and remind me that each day is a new day, full of possibilities.

I am thankful to all our military men and women who are defending our country right now. No words can express my gratitude for what they're doing so my family can be safe and secure.

I am so thankful for our pastor and his family for coming into our lives at SOTH and teaching us God's word and love. Thank you Adam for all you do for us. I cannot begin to explain how your presence in our lives has affected us.

Lastly, I am thankful for our church family and friends who seem to grow in numbers each week. We have been members at SOTH for just over a year yet never have we felt so accepted and loved in all our lives. Thank you God for leading us to SOTH and showing us that this is where our family belongs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord - For joy to share with those who have sadness in their hearts on this holiday.
For good health that I may care for those who are ill.
For food on the table and fellowship with loved ones and others who don't have family nearby.
For our servicemen and women who are willing to sacrifice that others may be free.
For 'sisters' and 'brothers' who are filled with your spirit and are my inspiration. SOTH has many of these.
For these blessings I give thanks.