Sep 13, 2012

Good News of Great Joy

30 Day Church Challenge:  Day 28
Read pgs 140-143

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field."  Jesus, Matthew 13:44

I have the privilege, though it gets heavy, of serving on the "Board of Ordained Ministry" for our conference of the UMC.

Specifically, I serve on one of the "Theology and Doctrine" teams.  That means that I serve as one of the examiners of candidates for ordained ministry who are presenting themselves to be questioned about matters of scripture, theological understanding and United Methodist doctrine.

Good times, huh?

The truth is, I take the work very seriously, and it is a privilege.  But like I said, it's also heavy.  Hours and hours of asking questions, and listening to halting answers from nervous, earnest candidates.   After years of study, this test puts it all on the line for them.  They're trying to "pass the bar," so to speak, and families and congregations are waiting to hear the results.

One of the questions from our Book of Discipline is, "what is your understanding of the Kingdom of God?"

Well, how would you answer that?

How did Jesus answer it?

Sometimes he used the term, "Kingdom of Heaven," but almost always he used some kind of metaphorical description.  The Kingdom is like..."a pearl of great price...a mustard seed...a treasure hidden in a field...yeast that leavens a whole loaf."


Exactly.  It's not easy.  And yet, it is.

Today's reading from our devotional book reminds us of how many people went with enthusiasm in search of gold in the 1840's.  The Kingdom is like..."flecks of gold in a mountain stream."  Seems right.

It's something to be sought after.  It's not obvious.  It's powerful, and a great treasure.  Finding it brings joy.

I think that I glimpse the joy of the Kingdom in bits and pieces in this life.  There are moments when I know that I feel the pure rule and reign of Jesus.  That's the Kingdom.  It is here, and it is to come.

The great good news is that we're invited to join the search, and one day, maybe even today, we will find.

Grace, Peace, and Happy Treasure Hunting --

Today's Small Step:  Write your story about finding new life in Christ.  Read it to at least one person.

Today's Big Idea:  The treasure is no further away than a prayer --- ask Jesus to make himself real in your heart and life.

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