Sep 11, 2012

Lost and Found

30 Day Church Challenge:  Day 26
Read pgs 132-135

"The Son of Man came to serve, not to be served -- and to give away his life." 

"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance." 

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened."  

"Love each other as I have loved you."  -- Jesus of Nazareth

"What's in this for me?"  -- Adam Roberts (and the rest of us, sometimes)

Today's devotional reading poses yet another interesting question, with a pretty obvious answer that's still worth some pondering:  why do people with a sense of humor, or a positive outlook, or a big expense account, tend to have more friends?

Because it's more enjoyable for other people to spend time with them.   In essence, people see "there's something in this for me...I enjoy this," and they spend their time there.

We humans know this intrinsically.  We just can't help making silent calculations about costs vs. benefits.

But Jesus tells us that we're going to love people the way he did.  That means sometimes (many times, most of the time) the cost may well outweigh the benefits.  That's not an easy thing for us mere mortals.  It's contrary to our instincts of self-interest.

Jesus is a seeker of people.  He goes to them, often at great risk to himself.

He also says that he calls his disciples to the narrow path, and narrow it truly is.

Why would anyone choose it?  As best I can figure, it's got everything to do with believing that we have been dramatically and sacrificially saved from an abyss by someone who came seeking us, when we had very little to offer in return.

Gratitude.  Grace.  Gift.  If we understand life to be dramatic examples of these three things, then maybe we can go looking for someone to share with too.

Grace, Peace, and Joyous Seeking --

Today's Small Step:  List the people that you are likely to see everyday -- those you go to school with, or work with, or who live in your neighborhood.  What would it mean to start here, and find ways to live for them that shares the life that God has given you?

Today's Big Idea:  How would our relationships with people be different if we focused on what we could give, and not what we could get?

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