Sep 4, 2012

Treasures Are a Test

30 Day Church Challenge:  Day 20 (The Home Stretch!)
Read pgs 104-107 30DCC guidebook

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Jesus, Luke 12:34 

I remember years ago when I first heard a preacher point out the exact order of those words.  I'll have to admit, I think I always had it in my head kind of backward.

It makes sense to me that we would assume our hearts go first, and our treasure follows.  But this isn't what Jesus said.  What he said is the opposite.

Our hearts follow our treasure.

Where we put our money, that reveals our hearts.  Or maybe, we can even train our hearts to follow our money.

Why are parents so passionate about their child's travel baseball teams?  I have seen people who will lose all control of their emotions at the ball field.  Who will paint their faces and wear specially made shirts that show off their allegiance to their child and team.

Is it because they love their babies that much?  Yes, probably.

But the thousands of dollars they've spent on uniforms, equipment, training, team fees, tournaments, travel and meals probably doesn't hurt either.

$ = skin in the game.  $ spent = passion.  $ spent = investment, like few other things can.

That's just how we're wired.  That's how it is.  $ spent = possibilities and choices and doors that have opened and closed.  This is true because for all but the rarest few, $ are not infinite.

Today's devotional reading goes so far as to say, "money is not a trap, but it is a test."

Money can prepare us, and it also reveals us.  What does today's test show us about where we're heading in the future?

The list of questions on pg 105 in the guidebook is an excellent resource for answering that question.

Grace, Peace, Gratitude, and May We Pass the Test!

Today's Small Step:  Today, some choices:  Draft a realistic spending plan that reflects your spiritual and financial priorities.  Or, giving away something you own.  Or, go to and decide when and where you (and your spouse if applicable) will enroll in Financial Peace.

Today's Big Idea:  Which of the questions on pg 105 hit closest to home for you?  Why?

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