May 20, 2008


Luke 6:12-17 (The Message)

At about that same time he climbed a mountain to pray. He was there all night in prayer before God. The next day he summoned his disciples; from them he selected twelve he designated as apostles:

Simon, whom he named Peter,
Andrew, his brother,
James, son of Alphaeus,
Simon, called the Zealot,
Judas, son of James,
Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Coming down off the mountain with them, he stood on a plain surrounded by disciples, and was soon joined by a huge congregation from all over Judea and Jerusalem, even from the seaside towns of Tyre and Sidon.

So, today I started to use facebook. I went to a seminar over the weekend about "reaching out to young adults." The presenter, a good friend of mine, told us what a great networking tool this site can be.

Now, this is not news to any of you who either are young adults (how do you define "young?" Depends on how old you are), or who know them well.

I'm hardly cutting edge by finally filling out the facebook page that I set up over a year ago.

But I finally did it.

And my friend was right --- it feels great to be "confirmed" as a friend.

You get a wonderful little email: "_____" has confirmed you as a friend!

I wonder how these 12 felt when Jesus confirmed them as disciples (a term for all Jesus-followers), but as apostles (a stronger designation of these 12 plus Paul, as witnesses to the Gospel).

I think they must have felt pride and excitement. They must have felt that their worth was confirmed. Of all the folks in the crowd, Jesus chose them.

There were all kinds in that crowd of 12. Even Judas, "who would betray him."

Jesus takes all kinds. He calls the most unlikely folks, which is really good news for us.

I just have to wonder what they felt, these twelve, as they surrounded Jesus in this huge congregation that joined them.

How would they sort out their roles? How would this all end? Power? Money? Fame?

Stay tuned...because following Jesus always changes a life.

And, if you're a facebook person, invite me to be your friend!

Prayer: Father, we pray that we might become true disciples, following the path of this man named Jesus. Help us to be students, and witnesses to what we have seen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

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