Jun 29, 2009


2 Samuel 1:17-19; 26-27 (The Message)

17-18 Then David sang this lament over Saul and his son Jonathan, and gave orders that everyone in Judah learn it by heart. Yes, it's even inscribed in The Book of Jashar.

19 Oh, oh, Gazelles of Israel, struck down on your hills,
the mighty warriors—fallen, fallen!

26 O my dear brother Jonathan,
I'm crushed by your death.
Your friendship was a miracle-wonder,
love far exceeding anything I've known—
or ever hope to know.

27 The mighty warriors—fallen, fallen.
And the arms of war broken to bits.

Grief is one of the hardest human emotions. The pain of real mourning turns day to night, causes physical symptoms and makes the mourner think that they're losing their grip on reality.

Sometimes, we can even feel guilty that we just can't "get over it" when we've sustained a loss of some kind and "go on with our lives."

Well, here's at least a little good news. Those who mourn are not crazy. It's actually normal to feel that way.

It's even in the Bible. David was deeply mourning the loss of Saul and Jonathan. He decreed that everyone in the kingdom should memorize his verses of loss and grief.

Eventually there is healing. Whatever grief we carry...God can carry it with us. He does understand. God mourns right beside us. In time, there can even be laughter again.

Grace & Peace,

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