Mar 30, 2010


Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 (The Message)

The hand of God has turned the tide!"

I didn't die. I lived!

And now I'm telling the world what
God did.

God tested me, he pushed me hard,
but he didn't hand me over to Death.

Swing wide the city gates—the righteous gates!
I'll walk right through and thank

Have you ever found yourself in a tight situation that you didn't think you could escape?

Many of us have never been in physical danger, at least not that we knew about.

But I can think of some pretty hair-raising experiences that I've had on the Atlanta freeway system. And I certainly can remember some really dumb things that I've done, miraculously escaping without getting what I probably deserved.

Maybe, if we try, we can remember what it feels like to really be "rescued." To be saved. To have a higher power come to our aid and make all the difference.

I know. We can seemingly point to situation after situation where nobody saved the day.

But the very fact that you're reading this, and that I'm writing it, speaks to a greater truth.

God has saved us. God is saving us. We are rescued, once and for all, and that is enough.

Faith in the resurrection story of Jesus means that we are miraculously and completely saved from the power of Death.

Yes, we will still experience an end of this physical life. But death will not hold us.

One day we will rise and walk through those gates to give thanks to God.

And we can choose to walk through the gate of this day, right now, and be thankful for whatever comes.

It's all a miracle.

Grace & Peace,


Joy said...

I am living proof of God's power to rescue. I HAVE faced life and death situations, some because it was my job to do so, and some of my own making. I know in my deepest soul that had it not been for the loving kindness of a higher power I would not be alive today, literally dead, spiritually dead. God is truly great and I AM rescued.

Anonymous said...

great good news
adam's dad
ps keep katherine in your prayers
email me soon, phone is kaput for now