Aug 30, 2012

A Daily Time With God

30 Day Church Challenge:  Day 16

Read pgs 84-87 in our guidebook

"In the morning, Lord, yuo hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."  Psalm 5:3

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  Psalm 46:10  

Well, thus begins part 2 of our 30 day journey.

We're halfway!  And halfway, I have found, tends to be about the hardest part of anything worth doing.

Paint the house?  The job begins with expectation about what the new color will look like.  It begins with the excitement of opening fresh buckets and new brushes.  But the middle?  Well, the middle feels like sweat, and a lot like work.  The house looks as bad as it ever will.  Half something new but still clinging to the old.

If it's a new paint job on your house, you can't really quit halfway in, because it's just too obvious.

But there are lots of other halfway points when the temptation can be too strong.

Halfway is when you have to start truly believing in the new outcome.  You have to somehow push on.  Now, practicing a spiritual discipline for 15 more days is hardly a world-shattering act of human strength.

But, by now, you've probably experienced a couple of "failures."  You've had a few days when you were just too tired, too busy or too distracted to read and think and pray.

It's not the time to give up.  It's the time to pray harder.  You can do it.

Imagine the reward, and keep pushing, praying.

Grace, Peace, and Divine Determination --

Today's Small Step:  Ask God to help you establish a daily quiet time.  Choose a time.  Have a place.  Have a plan.  Stick to it.  All of this, with God's help.

Today's Big Idea:  What might change in your life if you made a way to get away from the busy-ness every day and pray?

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