Aug 24, 2012

The Grateful Heart

30 Day Church Challenge:  Day 10

Read pgs. 56-59 in the 30DCC guidebook

Psalm 103:22
"Praise the Lord, all his works
everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the Lord, my soul."

Today's reading is all about the power of gratitude to transform our hearts, minds, relationships and worship.

Our Church Challenge guidebook tells the story of Ann Voskamp, and her wonderful book, One Thousand Gifts.  Just last fall, our church built an entire season of our life together around this book and her practice of naming our gratitude, every single day.

Gratitude as intentional spiritual practice.  Powerful.

It has been said that it's very hard, if not impossible, to be simultaneously grateful and angry...or frustrated...or negative.

Gratitude is fundamental to our faith, because it reminds us that first things must always be first for us.  If everything else is to fall into its proper place, God must be first in our hearts and minds because everything is from God.

The hearts that beat within us.  The food that we eat, and our capacity to enjoy it.  The breath that flows, and mind that shapes thoughts, and the lips that speak.  All of these are nothing short of mind-blowing miracles, and we are not the giver of those gifts.  We are the recipients.  We are the beneficiaries.

I have let my personal discipline of listing my gratitude (read One Thousand Gifts for more) wane in the last year.  I think it's time to begin again.    One thing I know for sure is that when I go back to that list and read and remember the hundreds of small moments that I did not let slip away, I become a better person.

That list can take any downward turn in my mood and bring a smile back to my face.

Brothers and sisters, that is real power.  That is gratitude.  It is absolutely the best possible way to walk the Path of Life.

Happy, and Grateful, Walking,

Today's Simple Step:  List ten things you are grateful for today.  I would challenge you to go beyond the "obvious" thanksgiving dinner list --- of course it is important to be grateful for "family, food, my home," but see if you can push yourself to really observe your life today.  What are ten small things you might often overlook, but for which you are truly grateful.

Today's Big Idea:  What keeps us from giving thanks?

An Extra Challenge:  Re-read or read for the first time, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.  It's good for you.  

No music today --- instead, a link -- this is Ann Voskamp's blog, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Check it out.

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