Aug 17, 2012

"One Another-ness" and You

30 Day Church Challenge Day 5
Read pgs 32-35 in the 30DCC guidebook

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling."  I Peter 4:8-9

I love the metaphor of test-taking that is used today in our 30 Day Challenge guidebook.

"First, read the instructions."

And, what a set of instructions we have from scripture when it comes to our life together.

Things like:
Love one another
Accept one another
Be devoted to one another
Live in harmony with one another

And on, and on, and on.

The way that his followers relate to one another seems to be of paramount importance to Jesus.

"They will know you by your love."

What if participation in a trusted place of intimate, small-group community serves as the "instructions" for our larger life together?

What if trying to jump into the life of faith and into the life of a church family without plugging deeply into a tight, small group commitment is like trying to take a test without reading the instructions?

Just as today's reading says, we might get a few things right, but we're going to miss out on a lot, and we're definitely not going to be ready for the next test.

Carve out the time.  Prioritize its importance.  Dare to take the challenge.  Commit to a place of connection within the life of the church.  It can make all the difference.

Grace & Peace,

Today's Small Step:  Perform one act of service and kindness --- as simple as writing a note to someone who needs encouragement or calling up an old friend to rebuild that relationship.

Today's Big Idea:  Of all the "one anothers" listed on page 34 in the guidebook, which one is hardest for you? Which is easiest?  Which one do you need to experience most from someone else?

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